Common Reasons a Garage Door Sensor Stops Working

Common Reasons a Garage Door Sensor Stops Working

garage door sensors are not working

All garage door systems should have a sensor in the mechanism. It’s standard procedure for all owners who want to install heavy doors that guard the garage. Moreover, as per law and regulations, the addition of this safety feature saves lives and potential costs. As such, it’s standard to have a working sensor.

Things happen, and issues may arise at any given point in time. External conditions affect the performance and state of the door mechanism. Sometimes, these issues include a door sensor that stops working. When this happens, the first thing to do is figure out the cause of the damage. Why did the sensors stop working, and what can you do about the problem?

Let this guide help in keeping a fully functional door sensor. The last thing any garage owner needs is an accident that costs more than a replacement or repair service.

Table of Contents

Alignment Issues

The first reason the sensors don’t work is because of alignment issues. There are two sensors that should be at the same height placement in the track. There’s a receiver sensor (detects light) and a transmitter sensor (emits light). It’s best to learn how to adjust garage door sensor alignment for a more optimal detection function.

garage sensor alignment tool

Solution: How To Align Garage Door Sensors

1. Turn off the sensor devices before starting the alignment adjustment.
2. Prepare the necessary tools and inspect the sensors on the tracks.
3. Unscrew the mount of the sensor to loosen the sensor grip on tracks. This makes the sensor movable while still being in place on the door tracks.
4. Tie a string on one sensor and thread it towards the other sensor. Tie the other end as well.
5. Check the level of the sensors and adjust the placement of the sensors as necessary.
6. Tighten the screws of the sensors. Use a level to guarantee that the sensors are in line with each other.

Lack Of Sensor Maintenance

The dirty lens of the photo eyes can block the function of the sensors. The sensors will function less. Hence, these devices won’t be able to “see” anything in the path. There’s a chance they won’t detect any object or person in the way of a traversing door panel.
Something as simple as regular sensor inspection always improves the performance of the sensor. When lack of maintenance is the issue, the cause of a dysfunctional sensor is easier to address.

Why Are My Garage Door Sensors Not Lighting Up

✔︎ The sensors lack cleaning and tidiness
✔︎ There is moisture build up in the lens of the photo eyes
✔︎ Dirt build-up in the parts of the sensor
✔︎ There is no protective block for the sensors and sun rays are hitting the photo eyes constantly
dirty garage door sensors

Solution: Regular Cleaning and Inspection

To avoid the causes of sensors that don’t light up, always check the sensors. After driving in your vehicle, check the tracks in the door frame. Wipe down the lens regularly to clear out any blocks from fine particles due to outside exposure.
For sun exposure, use a paper or block that you can add to cover the photo eyes from the sun. The beam of light should detect the other end of the sensor on the opposite side.

Sensor Damages

When there are damages to the sensor, it can impair the capability of the sensor to work. You may experience instances where door panels continue to travel down despite the presence of path obstruction.
Other unsafe instances can occur, and damage always calls for professional service. There are many symptoms of sensor damage that go beyond lack of maintenance.

The Garage Door Won't Close

The first sign is a garage door that won’t close. The sensor may send misleading signals when the door panels remain open despite the absence of path obstruction. The malfunction of the sensor causes the garage door opener not to lower the door panels.
It’s still best to check the pathway of the door panels first. Ensure that there are no small objects on the path or your vehicle is not hanging close to the tracks. The auto-reversal safety feature should only work when things are blocking the light beam.

Sensor Wire Damage

One other reason the sensors may not light up is because of wiring damages. Any loose connection or damaged portion of wires that lead to the sensor can lessen the function of the sensors. The wire of the sensor connects to the opener. You will most likely also have a dysfunctional opener that requires troubleshooting and wire repair.
garage door sensor replacement

Solution: Garage Door Sensor Replacement

For big damages, let the professionals handle the issue. Wiring systems and wire damages require a lot of training and expertise. If you attempt to fix or even inspect the problem, you may end up risking your safety. Always consult with a reputable company as these technicians know how to replace garage door sensors.

Power Problems

In rare circumstances, the sensor devices are not the leading cause of the issue. If your home is currently experiencing power problems, the entire mechanism may not work correctly. It’s best to access the garage manually in such cases.

Sensor Power Supply

If the sensors are not working properly because of power supply problems, your home should also experience other issues. Isolate the sensor power issue first by checking the power wires that lead to the sensor. Sometimes, the problem happens because the sensors are not plugged in properly.
The most prominent symptom of the power issue is that the sensors are not lighting up. The absence of light beams from both sensors indicates power issues.
garage door opener power

Solution: Seek for Expertise and Repairs

Where damages are a big concern, there should be professionals handling the situation. There are many DIY sources on the internet. However, nothing beats the experience and knowledge of people who can fix sensor problems efficiently.
Do your best to double-check and apply some safe methods to troubleshoot the issue. If nothing works, call for services. Chances are that the problems of the sensor are only a manifestation of some more severe issues in the mechanism. Companies for garage door services also deal with the connected wiring and power problems in the mechanism.

Professional Services From A Reliable
Garage Door Repair Company

Professional technicians can tell you if repairs are more worthy. Here at Ultimate Garage Door Repair, we can help you deal with sensor damage. We can also tune up the door mechanisms to respond better to sensor detections. If it’s better to get new sensors for the mechanism, we know how to install garage door sensors efficiently. We are available to help you with your garage door needs.